How it works
Let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
How does it work and how much can I earn making UGC?
Earn $200 per video
What you’ll get
An extensive brief so you know exactly what the brand is expecting from you. We’ll tell you key messages that the brand would love you to touch on and any other important info you might need.
Our friendly team will be here for support if you have any questions or concerns. There are no silly questions in our books! Ask away!
Not only will you be paid $200 for every video you make for reel humans, you’ll also be paid promptly, within 7 business days of your content being accepted by the brand. No more chasing up payments!
What’s the process like?
You’ll be emailed about a job.
If you accept, you’ll be given a detailed brief.
You create and submit your video so it fits the brief. The brand reviews it and provides feedback.
When your final video is accepted by the brand, you’ll receive payment within 7 working days.
Frequently asked questions
We will pay you $200 per video you create for us. You could create content for loads of brands each month - essentially, there’s huge potential to earn good money through UGC creation.
You don’t need any special equipment! If you have a phone that can take videos, and you know how to use it, you can be a UGC creator. With that said, it can be really helpful to have a phone tripod and a light on hand, but that’s optional!
We hear you. You want that bag. Chasing brands for payment can be a right pain in the a$*. When you work with Reel Humans you’ll always be paid within 7 working days of submitting your final content and supplying us an invoice.
We’ll make it easy by supplying you invoice template and payment will be made directly into your bank account .
If a brand wants you to feature a product in your video, in most cases that product will be gifted to you. You will not be asked to pay for products or for shipping.
You don’t need any followers to be a creator for Reel Humans. Our brands are looking for content creators, not influencers! If you’re comfortable in front of a camera and know how to operate your phone, you’ll kill it!
When you apply to be on our database, you will be asked to accept a set of terms and conditions - this includes your contractual obligations when working with us so make sure you read them through carefully!